An article by Sacha Kagan was published on the web-portal Culture360 (the Asia Europe cultural webportal by ASEF), about the first edition of Cultura21’s summer school ASSiST: Click here to read the article.
From August 21st to 27th 2010, took place in Gabrovo, a post-industrial city in the center of Bulgaria, the first edition of the International Summer School of Arts and Sciences for Sustainability in Social transformation (ASSiST). This event was supported by the Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF) as a follow-up project of the “Dialogue on Arts, Culture & Climate Change” (Beijing, 2008), and by the Municipality of Gabrovo. It was organized by the Cultura21 international network, Cultura21 Nordic (Copenhagen) and the International Council of Cultural Centers (I3C, Sofia), in partnership with the Center for the Study of Culture and Society (CSCS, Bangalore) and the Latin-American network of art for social transformation (Red-LATS, Buenos Aires). The central theme for the first edition of ASSiST was “Walking and Places: building transformations”.