Mark Dion at Museum Het Domein

The Macabre Treasury January 20–May 5, 2013 – Museum Het Domein – Sittard, Netherlands “Increasingly, my work has become macabre and laced with dusky pessimism. Early on I believed that ecological calamity could be averted by awareness. If people knew about issues like the loss of biodiversity or global warming, they would act so as… Continue reading Mark Dion at Museum Het Domein

Plasticities Sciences Arts

“Plasticities Sciences Arts” is an association based in France, operating at the transdisciplinary crossroads of art and science. As expressed by its president, Marc-Williams Debono, “the PSA research group aims at opening new fields of interaction between sciences, arts and humanities. The group has its origins in 1994 when it established a Transdisciplinary network of… Continue reading Plasticities Sciences Arts

Review of the 1st Cultura21 Forum – “The cultivation of ecology/-ies: Gardens and complexity in rural and urban landscapes”

The following review was written by Janna Gehrke (you can find out more about Janna at the bottom of this post): From the 23rd until the 25th of September the first Cultura21 Forum (by the German platform of Cultura21) took place in the “Studio Kunst und Landschaft” in Hude near Oldenburg in Germany. The forum… Continue reading Review of the 1st Cultura21 Forum – “The cultivation of ecology/-ies: Gardens and complexity in rural and urban landscapes”

The 1st Cultura21 Forum in Germany

Cultura21 e.V. is happy to announce the first „Cultura21 Forum“ in Germany: The Cultivation of Ecology/-ies: gardens and complexity in rural and urban areas September 23rd to 25th, 2011 – “Studio Kunst und Landschaft” in Hude (aprox. 13 km from Oldenburg)   The complete program can be downloaded as a PDF file: Cultura21Forum_Program(ENG)   modified recently!… Continue reading The 1st Cultura21 Forum in Germany

Rethinking the Creative City

An article on the role of complexity, networks and interactions in the urban creative economy In this article, Dr. Roberta Comunian argues that complexity theory and its associated principles can provide a new understanding of the connection between the urban space and the systems of local cultural production and consumption. Drawing on interviews with creative… Continue reading Rethinking the Creative City

Art and Sustainability: Connecting Patterns for a Culture of Complexity

Upcoming book publication Sacha Kagan. Art and Sustainability: Connecting Patterns for a Culture of Complexity. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2011. Will be available in July 2011, ca. 476 p.,  ca. 39,80 € – ISBN 978-3-8376-1803-7 The publication proposes an understanding of “culture(s) of sustainability”, “aesthetics of sustainability” and “art and sustainability”,  based on an in-depth theoretical… Continue reading Art and Sustainability: Connecting Patterns for a Culture of Complexity

Call for papers: Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks

2nd Leonardo satellite symposium at NetSci2011 DEADLINE FEB 7 2011 The aim of the symposium is to foster cross-disciplinary research on complex systems within or with the help of arts and humanities. The symposium will highlight arts and humanities as an interesting source of data, where the combined experience of arts, humanities research, and… Continue reading Call for papers: Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks

A symposium in Western Australia on Unruly ecologies: Biodiversity and art

SymbioticA. Symposium November 26th to 28th, 2010 A symposium exploring the possibilities and difficulties of the diversity of life through critical investigations in art, ecology and activism. The ecology of biodiversity is based upon an uncertain definition, incomplete statistics and the need to act in a world without balance. While multiple flora and fauna databases… Continue reading A symposium in Western Australia on Unruly ecologies: Biodiversity and art

Mindthestorm – Like random steps of sunlight, Random steps of consciousness

Themes on and about the complex mesh of relations between biospheres, climatic science, environmental politics, globalization, culture and art form the point of departure for’s continuously accumulating archive of image and textual documentation. Processuality constitutes the focal point of The archive is neither hierarchically structured, nor does it follow a defined order. The… Continue reading Mindthestorm – Like random steps of sunlight, Random steps of consciousness

International Summer School of Arts and Sciences for Sustainability in Social Transformation ( ASSiST)

The program of the first International Summer School of Arts and Sciences for Sustainability in Social Transformation (ASSiST), that will be organized in Gabrovo, Bulgaria, August 21-27 2010, is online. The theme of the first edition of ASSiST is: “Walking and Places: building transformations”. Find the PDF file of the program, and many more infos,… Continue reading International Summer School of Arts and Sciences for Sustainability in Social Transformation ( ASSiST)