Symposium: “Hot Science, Global Citizens: The Agency of the Museum Sector in Climate Change Interventions”

Reposted from May 5th and 6th 2011 in Sydney This symposium presents the research findings of the Australian Research Council international Linkage project along with other leading research to develop new knowledge about what constitutes effective action around climate change, the critical roles that institutions can play, visions for the future of museums and science… Continue reading Symposium: “Hot Science, Global Citizens: The Agency of the Museum Sector in Climate Change Interventions”

Materials, Objects, Environments – A HotHouse Workshop on Ecological Thinking

Reposted from 19 & 20 May 2011; Lowy Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia What is ecological thinking and how does it transform the way we understand materials, objects and environments? Participants of this HotHouse workshop are invited to brainstorm about a future exhibition project on hyperobjects for the new gallery complex at the… Continue reading Materials, Objects, Environments – A HotHouse Workshop on Ecological Thinking

A symposium in Western Australia on Unruly ecologies: Biodiversity and art

SymbioticA. Symposium November 26th to 28th, 2010 A symposium exploring the possibilities and difficulties of the diversity of life through critical investigations in art, ecology and activism. The ecology of biodiversity is based upon an uncertain definition, incomplete statistics and the need to act in a world without balance. While multiple flora and fauna databases… Continue reading A symposium in Western Australia on Unruly ecologies: Biodiversity and art