Workshop mit der New Yorker Künstlerin Lillian Ball (in englischer Sprache)
1. März 2015, 14:30 – ca.18:00
Künstlerhaus Hannover, Maestrosaal, Sophienstraße 2, 30159 Hannover
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Nur mit Voranmeldung für max. 26 Personen
Anmeldung bitte per mail an: janika.millan@hannover–
Veranstaltet durch die Abteilung Kulturorganisation der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg in Kooperation mit dem Kulturbüro der Landeshauptstadt Hannover
Workshop-Beschreibung der Künstlerin:
„Working to have a positive effect as an environmental artist and activist, I have thought long and hard about potential ways to make an impact that encourages stakeholder action. How can appreciation of place engender public involvement? What kind of visual strategies reinforce the scientific and ethical values protecting natural spaces? The need for a sustainable approach to erosion control and revitalization of areas challenged by climate change is urgent in waterfront areas worldwide.
The WATERWASH® series is one effort to ask and answer these questions. Both of the completed WATERWASH projects merge public art, social practice, and storm water pollution remediation. This workshop will present recent work, screen Bronx River WATERWASH (a 50 minute documentary by Reorient Films) and discuss the options available to us all as citizens.
How can we possibly measure a place’s value to its inhabitants? What kind of place making experience or philosophy encourages people towards ecosystem protection? Landscape can activate the gap between form and function, inspiring opportunities for artists, scientists, and public officials to restore human as well as natural environments.
“A garden is never finished” Shunryu Suzuki“