Conference: Radius of art

Berlin 8th – 9th of February 2012 The international conference „Radius of art: Creative politicization of the public sphere /Cultural potential forces for social transformation“ takes place in Berlin on the 8th and 9th of February. It puts artistic and cultural projects into the focus of of the political discourse. The purposeful choice of speakers… Continue reading Conference: Radius of art

Julie’s Bicycle

London Julies Bicycle is a non-profit company working in the field of environmental sustainability. Its aim is to help integrate it into the business, art and ethics of the music, theatre and creative industries and reduce carbon emissions. It provides expertise in environmental sustainability to over 350 organisations in the UK as well as internationally… Continue reading Julie’s Bicycle

SurVivArt – Art for the Right to a Good Life

Berlin 7th to 24th of February 2012 From the 7th to the 24th of February the exhibition SurVivArt – Art For the Right to a «Good Life» takes place at the galleries Mikael Andersen and Meinblau in Berlin. International artists from Ethiopia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Thailand and the Czech Republic were invited to do a… Continue reading SurVivArt – Art for the Right to a Good Life

The Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science

CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS Submissions are invited for The Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science (TJES),  by the The Academy of Transdisciplinary Learning & Advanced Studies (TheATLAS). The editors search for original manuscripts reporting multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary engineering and science research. Not only primary research articles, but also papers in transdisciplinary education can be published.… Continue reading The Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science

People Unite for the Future We Want

New York December 16th On Friday, the 16th of December from 1pm-6pm  environmental, youth, and social justice groups from all over the world will unite in order to claim a true and lasting change for people and for the planet. Therefore they will take action while the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development preparatory meetings… Continue reading People Unite for the Future We Want

Ecocultures 2012: Transitions to Sustainability

Essex 17th – 18th of April 2012 The conference Ecocultures 2012 takes place at the University of Essex from the 17th to the 18th of April. The aim of Ecocultures 2012 is to show, how communities can adapt successfully to social-ecological change and thus reach the maintenance of resilience and the enhancement of wellbeing. Ecocultures… Continue reading Ecocultures 2012: Transitions to Sustainability

Lillian Ball: Waterwash ABC

New York Lillian Ball works in New York as an environmental artist and activist. She has a multidisciplinary background in anthropology, ethnographic film, and sculpture, which influences her work. Furthermore she has received numerous awards and has traveled widely due to her international exhibitions. Her latest project Waterwash ABC includes the construction of a wetland… Continue reading Lillian Ball: Waterwash ABC

Emergence: The Document!

Emergence: The Document! Creative industries play an important role in the process of developing a sustainable future for the planet, but often there is a lack of ideas and practical solutions on the way to this more sustainable future. The partnership project between Volcano and Cynnal Cymru-Sustain Wales supported by Arts Council Wales and British… Continue reading Emergence: The Document!

Opening in Berlin: Climate Walk

Berlin December 4th 2011 Climate Walk is an experimental project in form of an Audio-visual Interactive Installation on “Climate – Culture – Change”, which challenges ecological thought and action. It opens its doors to visitors on December 4th at the “Akademie der Künste” Berlin. The Walk over the Visitor’s Bridge represents the transition into a… Continue reading Opening in Berlin: Climate Walk

TURF: Ecological activism and Art

USA The terrific show TURF takes place at Diablo Valley College Art Gallery in Pleasant Hill, California (Bay Area) until December 1st. It is organized and curated by artist and educator Hopi Breton. Included are works of twelve ecoartists, mostly from the Bay Area, with Vaughn Bell from Seattle, Michele Brody from New York, and… Continue reading TURF: Ecological activism and Art