Publication: Energising Culture

Earlier this month, Energising Culture was launched; a guide to future energy for cultural buildings, engaging the UK´s cultural leadership with the importance of planning a cleaner, more sustainable energy future for cultural buildings. Energising Culture is authored by Julie’s Bicycle, in partnership with the national advisory body for theatres in the UK, The Theatres… Continue reading Publication: Energising Culture

50+20 Management Education for the World

From June 13th to 20th  diverse events were held by 50+20 to orientate management education towards the common good at Rio+20. 50+20’s point of departure is the belief that “the time is ripe for critical reflection on the role business and management education plays in society, today and specifically tomorrow.” This project was initiated by… Continue reading 50+20 Management Education for the World

Nigerian Activist Nnimo Bassey : Rio+20 Summit Will Not Get Us Out of Environmental Crisis

Nnimmo Bassey, executive director of Environmental Rights Action in Nigeria, chair of Friends of the Earth International is taking part in the Rio+20 Summit, and in a recent interview, he commented on the failure by the governments and policymakers on reaching the goals agreed in 1992. He also mentioned the low ambitions and the lack… Continue reading Nigerian Activist Nnimo Bassey : Rio+20 Summit Will Not Get Us Out of Environmental Crisis

Applications open for the 2012 Fringe Festival Award for Sustainable Production at the Hollywood Fringe

The CSPA Fringe Festival Award for Sustainable Production is designed to reward sustainable practice in the production of a fringe show. The winner will be announced at the Fringe Awards Ceremony on June 24th at 7:00pm, and will receive a plaque and a feature article in an upcoming edition of the CSPA Quarterly, the CSPA’s… Continue reading Applications open for the 2012 Fringe Festival Award for Sustainable Production at the Hollywood Fringe

Connecting People Apart – events series

A Post-Media Lab event series,  Lüneburg/Berlin, Germany, June 20th – 23rd 2012 20 June Opening presentation – ‘Talk to Me’ with Rasa Smite & Raitis Smits (RIXC) with a contribution by Nishant Shah (Center for Internet and Society, Bangalore). Reception and drinks. Venue: Halle für Kunst, Lüneburg. 19:30-22:00 21 June ‘What Would the Community Say?’… Continue reading Connecting People Apart – events series

UNGA Resolution on culture and Development

As we approach the start of Rio+20 ,it may be interesting for you to read about the UN General Assembly resolution on culture and development/2011/A/RES/66/208. In this document the important contribution of culture to the achievement of sustainable development and of national and international development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals is emphasized, mentioning diverse… Continue reading UNGA Resolution on culture and Development

Arts education for transformation

On the way to the forthcoming Rio+20, we would like to share with you this video by IDEA (International Drama Theatre and Education Association), which celebrates the 2010 World Congress on Arts Education. This video is one of the contributions of the Brazilian Network of Arteducators  (ABRA) to debates taking place on Culture and Sustainability  in… Continue reading Arts education for transformation

Culture & Sustainability in Rio+20

We´re only a few days away from Rio+20, and there are many other events related to it going on around it. One event entitled “Culture and Sustainability in Rio+20” will take place on June 19th in Rio too, this event is being organised by United Cities and Local Governments and the Brazilian Ministry of Culture.… Continue reading Culture & Sustainability in Rio+20

Culture|Futures Global Forum on Culture and Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, June 17th 2012

The Forum is organised in cooperation with the Brazilian Ministry of Culture at the occasion of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development: the Rio+20 Summit, which will culminate in Rio de Janeiro June 20th -22nd 2012.  The Forum venue will be Galpão da Cidadania slightly north of central Rio, close to the water front,… Continue reading Culture|Futures Global Forum on Culture and Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, June 17th 2012

A Call for Youth to Attend the International Climate Negotiations

SustainUS is accepting applications to go to the United Nations climate negotiations in Doha, Qatar. All youth 18-26 are eligible to apply to attend as a youth delegate  in Doha, Qatar from November 26 to December 7, 2012. Before the conference youth train other youth to be adept at understanding international climate policy, lobbying, communicating… Continue reading A Call for Youth to Attend the International Climate Negotiations