Environmental “artshop” and teaching laboratory this fall at Parsons the New School for Design

From the 27th of September, continuing over a four-month period, artists, designers, architects, dancers, chefs and scientists will be offering a wide array of interactive exchanges, ranging from workshops to of-site explorations at the Sheila C. Johnson Design Center (SJDC) at Parsons The New School for Design (NYC, USA). The focus of this laboratory lies… Continue reading Environmental “artshop” and teaching laboratory this fall at Parsons the New School for Design

Bill Mollison Permaculture Lecture Series, On-Line

“NetWorks Productions” is introducing for the first time on-line a series of lectures that are documents of two Permaculture Design Courses taught by Bill Mollison at the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose, Texas, in 1994 and 1995. This series, The Permaculture Show, was aired on public access television in the USA, was sold or given to the various… Continue reading Bill Mollison Permaculture Lecture Series, On-Line

Sideways – Moving On

Upon arrival after a four week journey, the Moving On symposium investigates wayfaring as an artistic and spatial practice. 14-15 September 2012 – De Lieteberg, Zuurbroekstraat 16, 3690 Zutendaal, Belgium Sideways is a translocal, experimental festival for contemporary art and cultural research, exploring non-motorized paths and trails folded into the spaces of everyday life. This… Continue reading Sideways – Moving On

Oikos Winter School 2012

Local innovation for global Impact is the slogan of the oikos Winter School 2012. From the 3rd to the 11th of November they are inviting “young change maker from all around the world” to join them in the Ruhr area: “Germany’s post-industrial area where transition is happening”. “In order to answer the question “How to… Continue reading Oikos Winter School 2012

Betsy Damon’s Water Rules-Life

Eco-artist Betsy Damon’s work Water Rules-Life will be exhibited as part of Feminist and…, organized by Guest Curator Hilary Robinson at the Mattress Factory Art Museumin Pittsburgh (USA). This exhibition, open from September 7th 2012 to May 26th 2013, aims to “show that feminism is not a single-issue set of politics but rather a multi-vocal,… Continue reading Betsy Damon’s Water Rules-Life

film/book launch

The “Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination” (LABOFII) is spending the summer in Germany, launching the film/book: Pfade durch Utopia  (published by Nautilus) : Aug 24th – Hamburg, Kampnagel, 19.00 Aug 25th – Leipzig, Schaubühne Lindenfels, 20.00 Aug 26th – Belzig, Kino hofgarten, 20.00 Aug 29th – Hamburg, Abaton Kino, 20.00 Aug 31st – Berlin, Sputnik Kino,… Continue reading film/book launch

Call for Proposals – SCORAI

The Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI) is organizing an international conference on the theme of “The Future of Consumerism and Well-being in a World of Ecological Constraints” on June 12-14, 2013, at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. The conference seeks: To improve our understanding of the complex driving forces underlying prevalent consumerist… Continue reading Call for Proposals – SCORAI

Borders Network: Creative Environments

This blog was created recently, with support of the Creative Arts Business Network to support an informal network for artists, designers, makers in the Scottish Borders concerned with ecology, environment and sustainability; sharing their upcoming and ongoing projects with other people interested in sustainability and eco-art. For more information, you can visit: http://ecoartborders.wordpress.com/

AppleThink – Call for Participants

Creative Camp in Aizpute, Latvia. September 13-15, 2012 AppleThink is a collaboration between The Center for New Media CultureRIXC, Latvian Contemporary Arts Center and Serde from Latvia, as well as Pixelache Helsinki from Finland. Apples are one of the most harvest-rich, yet under-exploited resources available in Latvia and other post-kolkhoz (collective Soviet farms) countries. The… Continue reading AppleThink – Call for Participants

Recycling Games – TerraCycle

TerraCycle creates national recycling systems for previously non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste. Anyone can sign up for these programs, called the Brigades, and send them waste. Then, the collected waste is turned into different products and materials available at major retailers. Terracycle encourages teams from the 21 countries where their Brigades operate in to beat their… Continue reading Recycling Games – TerraCycle