Ashden Directory & Ashdenizen launch new project to find metaphors for sustainabilty

By Another Name: New Metaphors for Sustainability To launch the Ashden Directory and Ashdenizen’s major new project on metaphors for sustainability, a new DVD was just released, devised and directed by Wallace Heim. “Sustainability is a concept without strong or imaginative metaphors. Over the next months, we’ll ask artists, scientists, activists and cultural commentators to… Continue reading Ashden Directory & Ashdenizen launch new project to find metaphors for sustainabilty

CSPA Supports Announces Round ONE Recipient

Reposted from The CSPA congratulates the first recipient of a CSPA Supports MicroGrant:  Matthias Neumann and the Public Office for Architecture. Public Office for Architecture (POA) is a collaborative project situated at MoKS, Center for Arts and Social Practice in Mooste, Estonia.  POA is an artistic practice conceived as a a nomadic architecture office. … Continue reading CSPA Supports Announces Round ONE Recipient

Art and Sustainability: Connecting Patterns for a Culture of Complexity

Upcoming book publication Sacha Kagan. Art and Sustainability: Connecting Patterns for a Culture of Complexity. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2011. Will be available in July 2011, ca. 476 p.,  ca. 39,80 € – ISBN 978-3-8376-1803-7 The publication proposes an understanding of “culture(s) of sustainability”, “aesthetics of sustainability” and “art and sustainability”,  based on an in-depth theoretical… Continue reading Art and Sustainability: Connecting Patterns for a Culture of Complexity


Open Studio Day: 1st April 2011; Time: 6:00 pm onwards; Venue: KHOJ Studios and Select CITYWALK, Saket (India) Projects on view: KHOJ Court by Ackroyd & Harvey (UK); My Love Is An Icy Cold Fever by Navin Thomas (India); Unpacking Social Networks by Partik Sagar (India); Econnect+ Love Motel for Insects by Ecohaven Project+ Brandon… Continue reading IN CONTEXT: PUBLIC.ART.ECOLOGY II

Nurturing Nature

There are still some weeks left to visit the exhibition Nurturing Nature which runs through April 16th at OSilas Gallery on the campus of Concordia College in Bronxville NY. Artists in the exhibition include: Eva Bakkeslett, Norway; Vaughn Bell, Seattle; Susan Benarcik, NYC; Michele Brody, NYC; Jackie Brookner NYC; Linda Bryne NYC; Xavier Cortada, Miami… Continue reading Nurturing Nature

Land Arts of the American West

Reposted from the CSPA website Apply: UNM IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2011 FALL PROGRAM. Land Arts of the American West is an ongoing experiment in an interdisciplinary model for an Arts pedagogy based in place. The Land Arts program provides students with direct, physical engagement with a full range of human interventions in the… Continue reading Land Arts of the American West

JALAN JATI (Teak Road) Or the Secret Lives of Forest Products

A Contemporary Art & Ecology Exhibition on Tropical Forests, Wood & Humans, Using DNA Timber Tracking Technology By the Migrant Ecologies Project, Singapore The project traces the “memories” of a teak bed purchased in 21 century Singapore back to the site in the region from which the teak tree originated with the help of DNA… Continue reading JALAN JATI (Teak Road) Or the Secret Lives of Forest Products

Chiang Mai Now!

Exhibition presenting Chiang Mai through visions of contemporary cultures April 7th – June 19th, 2011 – 9th Floor, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, Thailand Chiang Mai Now! is the exhibition presenting Chiang Mai through contemporary visions. Curated by Angkrit Ajchariyasophon, the exhibition puts forward unique perspectives of 12 artists and contemporary cultural activists. Chiang Mai… Continue reading Chiang Mai Now!