Tuesday, July 3, 2012 – Claustro Renacentista + Aula Capitular, Centro del Carmen, Calle Museo 2, 46003 Valencia, Spain ARTPORT_making waves presents the 19 finalists and the winner of the third edition of animation and short videos about climate change, COOL STORIES FOR WHEN THE PLANET GETS HOT III followed by a panel “The contemporary… Continue reading Event: Screening of ARTPORT_COOL STORIES III

McDonalds and Sustainability –

– come to think of it… McDonalds and Sustainability. Sounds extremly logical, doesn´t it? These days, the construction of the first sustainable McDonalds store, comes to an end in London. Does that mean, that in the future the well known Fast Food Chain won´t be the place anymore where uncritical and environmentunfriendly voices are still… Continue reading McDonalds and Sustainability –

ALECC 2012 Biennial Conference

The Association for Literature, Environment, and Culture in Canada / Association pour la littérature, l’environnement et la culture au Canada (ALECC) is a non-profit organization focused on the creation, appreciation, discussion, analysis, and dissemination of knowledge about the work of nature writers, environmental writers and journalists, eco-artists of all disciplines, ecocritics, and ecotheorists in Canada.… Continue reading ALECC 2012 Biennial Conference

Readings in Performance and Ecology

Last May, this new book edited by Theresa J. May and Wendy Arons, which focuses on how theatre, dance and other forms of performance are helping to transform our ecological values, was published. This collection of essays helps leading scholars and practitioners explore the ways that familiar and new works of theatre and dance can… Continue reading Readings in Performance and Ecology

Publication: Energising Culture

Earlier this month, Energising Culture was launched; a guide to future energy for cultural buildings, engaging the UK´s cultural leadership with the importance of planning a cleaner, more sustainable energy future for cultural buildings. Energising Culture is authored by Julie’s Bicycle, in partnership with the national advisory body for theatres in the UK, The Theatres… Continue reading Publication: Energising Culture

50+20 Management Education for the World

From June 13th to 20th  diverse events were held by 50+20 to orientate management education towards the common good at Rio+20. 50+20’s point of departure is the belief that “the time is ripe for critical reflection on the role business and management education plays in society, today and specifically tomorrow.” This project was initiated by… Continue reading 50+20 Management Education for the World

Nigerian Activist Nnimo Bassey : Rio+20 Summit Will Not Get Us Out of Environmental Crisis

Nnimmo Bassey, executive director of Environmental Rights Action in Nigeria, chair of Friends of the Earth International is taking part in the Rio+20 Summit, and in a recent interview, he commented on the failure by the governments and policymakers on reaching the goals agreed in 1992. He also mentioned the low ambitions and the lack… Continue reading Nigerian Activist Nnimo Bassey : Rio+20 Summit Will Not Get Us Out of Environmental Crisis

2nd. Uranium Film Festival Rio de Janeiro – June 28th to July 14th, 2012

The Uranium Film Festival of Rio de Janeiro is a global event with satellite festivals in other cities and countries. The Uranium Film Festival is a project of the Yellow Archives. The goal of this Film Festival is to inform global societies about the nuclear fuel chain, the dangers of radioactivity, and the environmental and… Continue reading 2nd. Uranium Film Festival Rio de Janeiro – June 28th to July 14th, 2012

Resiliency, Risk, and a Good Compass: Tools for the Coming Chaos

Michael V. Copeland recently interviewed Joi Ito, for Wired.com. In the interview, the head of MIT´s media lab shared his thoughts on what it’s going to take to maneuver through the next phase of disruption brought by technology, mentioning what, for him, seem to be the 9 principles to work in a world like this… Continue reading Resiliency, Risk, and a Good Compass: Tools for the Coming Chaos