COAL Prize Art and environment 2013 – Call for proposals

Theme: Adaption The Coal Prize Art and Environment rewards each year a project by a contemporary artist involved in environmental issues. Its goals are to promote and support the vital role which art and creation play in raising awareness, supporting concrete solutions and encouraging a culture of ecology. The winner is selected out of ten… Continue reading COAL Prize Art and environment 2013 – Call for proposals

Call for abstracts: Mediating Modernity in the 21st Century – Rethinking and Remembering?

This festival, taking place from the 24th-25th January 2013 in Bangalore, India,  organized by the Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore, India and the School of Arts and Communication, Malmo University, Sweden is inviting abstract entries till the 20th November 2012. This festival brings together artists, academics, activists and other media and cultural… Continue reading Call for abstracts: Mediating Modernity in the 21st Century – Rethinking and Remembering?

The Sun behind the Clouds

A meditation about the sky by Ettore Favini and He-He Parco Arte Vivente´s (PAV) 2012 art program, dedicated to the Ethos of the living,  is being concluded with the dual-person show The Sun behind the Clouds by Ettore Favini and the Anglo-German duo He-He (Helen Evans, UK and Heiko Hansen, D). The exhibition, curated by… Continue reading The Sun behind the Clouds

Exhibition at Kunstverein Springhornhof

The Simple Life 28 October–16 December, 2012 – Opening: Saturday, 27 October, 5pm; artist talk with Angela Bulloch 6pm Kunstverein & Stiftung Springhornhof – Tiefe Straße 4, D-29643 Neuenkirchen (Germany) With: Angela Bulloch, Josephine Meckseper, Shana Moulton, Simon Starling and winners of the Daniel Frese Prize 2012 Fabian Reimann and Niko Wolf The exhibition The… Continue reading Exhibition at Kunstverein Springhornhof

Call for Papers: Geography and Art

The International Interdisciplinary Conference on Art and Geography: Aesthetics and Practices of Spatial Knowledges taking place at the University of Lyon, France from February 11-13, 2013 is welcoming proposals till the 30th of October. The conference is at the crossroads of contemporary geography and art. With the latest developments in how space, place and environment… Continue reading Call for Papers: Geography and Art

Green Pedestrian Crossing in China Creates Leaves from Footprints

Jody Xiong of DDB China, in conjunction with the China Environmental Protection Foundation created this wonderful outdoor campaign to create a subtle visual reminder of the environmental benefits of walking versus driving. Enormous white canvases with a bare tree were placed across 132 crosswalks in 15 Chinese cities. As pedestrians crossed, their shoe soles were… Continue reading Green Pedestrian Crossing in China Creates Leaves from Footprints

Eco-art exhibition: Photographed Rituals

Shai Zakai to give a lecture on eco-art & slow photography on Oct. 2nd at 20:30 in Jaffa (Israel) at the exhibition space. Searching for colleagues who were consistently trying to raise environmental awareness through their art, as Shai Zakai has been herself in the last 3 decades, she discovered the work of Chris Jordan… Continue reading Eco-art exhibition: Photographed Rituals

Environmental “artshop” and teaching laboratory this fall at Parsons the New School for Design

From the 27th of September, continuing over a four-month period, artists, designers, architects, dancers, chefs and scientists will be offering a wide array of interactive exchanges, ranging from workshops to of-site explorations at the Sheila C. Johnson Design Center (SJDC) at Parsons The New School for Design (NYC, USA). The focus of this laboratory lies… Continue reading Environmental “artshop” and teaching laboratory this fall at Parsons the New School for Design

Reclaiming evaluation as a critical practice: the powers at play between art, community, and government

Screening and discussion, with Sophie Hope – at the Centre for Cultural Partnerships, University of Melbourne (RM C216, Music Building, 234 St Kilda Road) – Tuesday, September 18, 7 to 9pm This screening and discussion, led visiting practitioner researcher from Birbeck, University of London, Dr. Sophie Hope, introduces a partial history of socially-engaged art and… Continue reading Reclaiming evaluation as a critical practice: the powers at play between art, community, and government

2nd African Creative Economy Conference

The Arterial Network is holding its second “African Creative Economy Conference” on November 14 -16 2012 in Dakar, Senegal. According to its organisers: “The aims of the conference are to provide practical analysis and reflective overview of the current status of African creative economy. This should help consolidate emergent African expertise in this area while… Continue reading 2nd African Creative Economy Conference