Arts and Ecology: emerging uses for digital technologies

Digital Creativity is a journal devoted to the intersection of the creative arts and digital technology. Concerned with both the practical and the theoretical, Digital Creativity offers a unique forum to researchers and practitioners involved in the interdisciplinary nature of making or using digital media in creative contexts. They include such disciplines as fine art,… Continue reading Arts and Ecology: emerging uses for digital technologies


Edith Cowan University Western Australia, on Feb. 19th, 2014.   The aim of this Colloquium is to establish a dialogue between creative arts and critical studies researchers, scholars and students, around the idea of working with nature, as proposed by Warwick Mules in his book, With Nature, to be launched at the colloquium. Working with… Continue reading EARTHING THE WORLD: CREATIVE ARTS AND ENVIRONMENTS

ESA Arts 2014. Arts and its contexts: cross-disciplinary dialogue

Update: Deadline extended to March 15th, 2014 The 8th midterm Conference of the European Research Network Sociology of the Arts will take place at „Babes-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca from 4 to 6 September 2014, and will be conducted in English. The general theme of the conference is Art and its contexts: cross-disciplinary dialogue. The Research… Continue reading ESA Arts 2014. Arts and its contexts: cross-disciplinary dialogue

The 8th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR)

The 8th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research will take place in Hildesheim, Germany, from September 9th to 12th, and in Berlin, from September 12th to 13th, 2014. ICCPR2014 aims to provide a space for exploring cultural policies, their meanings, roles and impact in an interdisciplinary and international environment. This exploration is not restricted to… Continue reading The 8th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR)

Call for papers

Deadline 15 September 2013 Arts Conference : “Spectres of evaluation, rethinking : arts/comunity/value”, Footscray Community Arts Centre in Melbourne, Australia, 6-7 February 2014 The making of art seems to be haunted by spectres of evaluation, with competing claims and judgments about the limits, uses, and value of art. This international conference will examine critical approaches to… Continue reading Call for papers

The Second International Bateson Symposium

 11-12 September 2013, Globalisation and the roots of the ecological crisis, University of Oslo, Norway Anthropologist, linguist and semiotician, Gregory Bateson’s work focused on behavioral sciences, he identified several roots of the ecological crisis. The most important was the relation between humans and their environment. The main idea of his work was that it’s impossible to unilaterally control… Continue reading The Second International Bateson Symposium

Call for papers : The aesthetics of sustainability

Deadline : 3rd of August 2013 The symposium will take place on 3rd and 4th of October 2013 at the School of Design and Art at Curtin University in Perth, Australia. The debate will discuss the role of aesthetics in the development of a sustainable world : ” How might an understanding of aesthetics impact upon our understanding of… Continue reading Call for papers : The aesthetics of sustainability

Ten meditations inspired by Harri Laakso

June 2013, Otherwise than Knowing, Juha Varto “My colleague Harri Laakso suggested in one of his presentations that we should stop talking about the different types of knowing and admit, or even emphatically argue, that in art we are dealing with something that is “otherwise-than-knowing”. These meditations stem from the frenzied thinking and discussion going on… Continue reading Ten meditations inspired by Harri Laakso

Spinterfields : Biochymickal Arts

September 13, 2013, Splinterfields Workshops, Brussels Splinterfields is an initiative of several Brussels-based organisations (Constant, FoAM, nadine and OKNO) active in the fields of ecological, technological and media arts to foster collaborative, agile and flexible learning. The programme of workshops, study groups and field-tests is open to artists, designers, technologists and other generalists curious to explore… Continue reading Spinterfields : Biochymickal Arts

Call for papers :“No meaning without a frame”

April 22-26, 2014, “Framing Nature: Signs, Stories, and Ecologies of Meaning” Deadline for sending abstracts : 01 October 2013 This conference is organized by the European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture, and the Environment (EASLCE) biennial conference and hosted by the Department of Semiotics at the University of Tartu in cooperation with the… Continue reading Call for papers :“No meaning without a frame”