Alongside the 21st UN Climate Conference, COP21, in Paris, several programs involving the arts and culture are going on now. See for example (not an exhaustive list): ARTCOP21: a program of events, artistic interventions, conferences, etc. See As part of ARTCOP21, will also take place a “Professional Workshop” with 150 invited participants from the… Continue reading Arts and Culture in Paris during the COP21
Category: Cultura21 News
Cologne – Tag des Guten Lebens “Day of the Good Life”
This Sunday, the streets of Cologne-Ehrenfeld will belong only to its residents. Without traffic and lots of free space for encounters and action. “Tell everyone, talk to your neighbours, this day will be what we make of it and if all of us participate!” There will be no cars in the district of Cologne-Ehrenfeld (cf.… Continue reading Cologne – Tag des Guten Lebens “Day of the Good Life”
Cultura21 eBook Vol. 12: A Journey Through Alternative Ways of Living:
a design approach for scaling up grassroots movements towards sustainability 12th volume in the Cultura21 eBooks series on culture and sustainability – by Nicholas Torretta Given the growing world-wide urbanization and the need for achieving a sustainable way of living, there is an urgent need for developing possibilities sustainable ways of urban living. This study… Continue reading Cultura21 eBook Vol. 12: A Journey Through Alternative Ways of Living:
Eco- Island Amager- extended deadline for submission of participation proposals
Eco-Island Amager, under Sharing Copenhagen- Copenhagen as Green Capital in 2014, relaunches its call for participation and hereby announces extending the deadline for receiving notices of participation. If you are a creative, visionary or inspired spirit and/ or have a scholarly or artistic interest in urban renewal and in(ter)vention, you are welcome to get in… Continue reading Eco- Island Amager- extended deadline for submission of participation proposals
Eco Island Amager- Call for participation
The project Eco Island Amager is unfolding over the course of the next five months , under Sharing Copenhagen- Copenhagen as Green Capital in 2014. We hereby issue a call to all inspired spirits who are interested in cultures of sustainability, mapping, re-invention and co-creative urban experiments. Come join! Atlas of an Eco Island Amager… Continue reading Eco Island Amager- Call for participation
Brandon Ballengée – Events in Germany
Brandon Ballengée will be exhibiting and talking in Germany from late May 2014 onwards. He will be in Berlin and in Lüneburg: In Berlin Exhibition at Art Laboratory Berlin: [macro]biologies II: organisms (Suzanne Anker, Brandon Ballengée, Maja Smrekar) // 31 May- 20 July, 2014 Vernissage: 30 May, 2014, 20:00 Artist and curators talk: 1 June 2014, 15:00 More information here In… Continue reading Brandon Ballengée – Events in Germany
Eco- Island Amager, under Sharing Copenhagen
Cultura21 Nordic proposes the project Eco-Island Amager, under the auspices of Sharing Copenhagen – Copenhagen as European Green Capital in 2014 . The 96 sq. km island of Amager is a polyvalent space imbued with ever-shifting meanings. It is also a part of Copenhagen, which could become a centre for culturally driven and sustainability-motivated change… Continue reading Eco- Island Amager, under Sharing Copenhagen

As the new year begins, Cultura21’s website is getting a welcome upgrade, thanks to Roland Prüfer, webdesigner and member of the Board of “Cultura21 Institut” in Germany (the organization forming the backbone of Cultura21’s multilingual website). In addition to the new looks, the new features of the website include improved usability for mobile devices. We hope you’ll enjoy the redesigned website!
There may be a few glitches in the first weeks, as we migrate to this new website format. Please be patient. If you still notice some issues or bugs in February, you can then report them to us.
At this occasion, we are also resuming now a more regular posting of news, after four months of pause. (The intensity of our postings will be reduced, compared to the 2011-2013 period, because of the more limited human resources of our team of benevolent network members at the moment.)
Cultura21 Nordic: How can culture lead transformations?
In the coming year, Cultura21 Nordic will be working with partners to bring pioneering agents from the Baltic Sea Region together and create a ‘flagship project’ on the issue of culture and sustainability: ‘Baltic Sea Region cooperation with a focus on culture as a part of sustainable development’. In April 2013, Cultura 21 Nordic and… Continue reading Cultura21 Nordic: How can culture lead transformations?
Call for Applications: Default 13
Art, Cities and Regeneration. Asia – Europe. Masterclass in residence – Lecce, Italy, 17th -26th September 2013 Eighteen creatives and artists (9 from Asia and 9 from Europe), selected through an international open call, will be given the opportunity to discuss and try to answer the question “What is next in art, cities and regeneration?”,… Continue reading Call for Applications: Default 13