The Kreuzberg Community Arts Festival

The Kreuzberg Community Arts Festival takes place from June 21st to June 27th. For seven days, the courtyard between the Expedition Metropolis Theatre and Rosa Parks Primary School  will be transformed into an expressive arena of cultural diversity with theatre, music, exhibition, film, book readings, games and picnics. Everyone is invited to experience art in… Continue reading The Kreuzberg Community Arts Festival

Schumacher College – courses on Creativity and Design

Join Schumacher College (UK) for residential short course and postgraduate programmes in art and ecology, creative engagement, ecological design, writing and storytelling for personal and social transformation. Short courses for 2014 Dark Mountain – New Stories at the Cliff Edge, 23 – 27 June With Paul Kingsnorth and Dougald Hine Radical creative thinking from the… Continue reading Schumacher College – courses on Creativity and Design

New exhibition in Singapore from The Migrant Ecologies Project

Curated by Kenneth Tay and Jason Wee, the exhibition is the latest incarnation of over 6 years of art history-informed explorations of relationships between wood, trees and people from this region.  The exhibition features new wood-print and installation works by Lucy Davis alongside photographic works by Shannon Castleman and a new photo book collaboration with… Continue reading New exhibition in Singapore from The Migrant Ecologies Project

FOODshed: Art and Agriculture in Action

An exhibition of upstate/downstate NY artists who work with food and agriculture – Curated by Amy Lipton (ecoartspace) Smack Mellon – 92 Plymouth Street at Washington – Brooklyn, NY 11201 June 7 to July 27, 2014 Opening reception: Saturday, June 7, 5pm-8pm Artists: Joan Bankemper/Black Meadow Barn;  Joy Garnett; Habitat For Artists Collective (Simon Draper, Michael Asbill, Carmen Acuna,… Continue reading FOODshed: Art and Agriculture in Action

Eco Island Amager- Call for participation

The project Eco Island Amager is unfolding over the course of the next five months , under Sharing Copenhagen- Copenhagen as Green Capital in 2014. We hereby issue a call to all inspired spirits who are interested in cultures of sustainability, mapping, re-invention and co-creative urban experiments. Come join! Atlas of an Eco Island Amager… Continue reading Eco Island Amager- Call for participation

Imagining »Earth«

Concepts of Wholeness in Cultural Constructions of ›Our Home Planet‹ Conference, May 29 – 31 2014, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany To call upon the ›whole Earth‹ has become a common way to evoke significance. Claiming the ›global‹ importance of a problem, a place or a practice aims for the mobilization of attention and resources that exceed… Continue reading Imagining »Earth«

Cultures of Sustainability in the Age of Climate Crisis

Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Telemark University College Bø, May 13.-15. (Tue-Thu), 2014  The aim of the COST Action IS1007 meeting is to provide new perspectives and practical examples of the transformative role of culture for a sustainable future. The symposium will investigate the many ways of integrating perspectives on cultural change, social learning, experience-based training, innovation… Continue reading Cultures of Sustainability in the Age of Climate Crisis


– a research platform for art and synthetic biology “I wonder how much of this Making Life project (what’s in a name) will consist of critical reflection on “the making of novel life-forms from ‘scratch’”, and how much – through its association with art – will in fact be providing social and moral legitimacy (and… Continue reading Making_Life


2-5 July 2014 “A Nation that destroys its soils destroys itself.” Franklin D. Roosevelt Using the arts to revitalise our relationship with a resource we take for granted. Over four days at Falmouth University’s Woodlane campus in July this year, the RANE research group in collaboration with The Centre for Contemporary Art and the Natural World (CCANW)… Continue reading SoilCulture


April 29, 2014, 6pm: Exhibition opening Free River Zones: An artistic inquiry with Ravi Agarwal, Bob Braine, David Brooks, Till Krause, Marie Lorenz, and Hilmar Schäfer Goethe-Institut Wyoming Building 5 East 3rd Street New York, NY 10003 Parallel exhibition opening, April 29, 7pm: Unity of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt and the Americas including Mark Dion’s… Continue reading FREE RIVER ZONE – NYC Events