“Aesthetics, Art, and Politics,” 6-7.5.2010, University of Helsinki The Finnish Society for Aesthetics together with the research project Artification and its Impact on Art (www.artification.fi) will arrange a two-day seminar on the theme “Aesthetics, Art, and Politics” from the 6th of May to the 7th of May 2010 at the University of Helsinki. The keynote speaker of the… Continue reading Aesthetics, Art, and Politics
Category: Activities
Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Workshop in Sustainable Development
May 6th-7th, 2011: Columbia University in the City of New York, USA The graduate students in sustainable development at Columbia University are convening the first Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Workshop in Sustainable Development (IPWSD); scheduled for May 6th-7th, 2011, at Columbia University in New York City.
ESA (European Sociological Association) Research Network on the Sociology of Culture
Call for papers for the next conference of the ESA (European Sociological Association) Research Network on the Sociology of Culture (October 7th-9th 2010 in Milano, Italy): See the attached PDF file, and the conference website at www.esaculturebocconi2010.org Session 15, entitled “the cultures of unsustainability”, is chaired by Prof. Dr. Volker Kirchberg and Sacha Kagan. More… Continue reading ESA (European Sociological Association) Research Network on the Sociology of Culture
Cybernetics: Art, Design, Mathematics — A Meta-Disciplinary Conversation (C:ADM2010)
“Cybernetics: Art, Design, Mathematics — A Meta-Disciplinary Conversation (C:ADM2010)” Cf. the attached PDF file and this website: www.asc-cybernetics.org CADM_Introductory_Text_17_Jan_2010_ Final
Restoration of long-distance transhumance
1-8 May 2010 Eastern Bulgaria Although the Transhumance is of high importance for the maintenance of grassland habitats and culture conservation, the annual migration of stock from high pasture to low pasture and back has almost disappeared in Bulgaria. That’s the reason why FWFF-Bulgaria (Fund of the Wild Fauna and Flora) in partnership with RebelFarmer… Continue reading Restoration of long-distance transhumance
IMAGINE. Towards an eco-aesthetic, 2011
OPEN CALL FOR PROPOSALS The Aarhus Art Building,?Centre for Contemporary Art, Denmark Artists and curators are?hereby invited to submit?proposals for 2011. Deadline March 15th www.aarhuskunstbygning.dk
Creating Cities: Culture, Space and Sustainability
The conference Creating Cities: Culture, Space and Sustainability, which will take place from 25 to 27 February 2010, investigates the forces that shape the conditions of urban development and the creation of cities in comparative and interdisciplinary perspective. In recent years, the notion of the „creative city“ has become a guiding framework for thinking about… Continue reading Creating Cities: Culture, Space and Sustainability
December 7-9 2009: Culture|Futures conference in Copenhagen (in parallel to COP15, the UN Climate Summit), co-organized with Cultura21: Click here to visit the website
Asia-Europe Dialogue on Arts, Culture and Climate Change
October 9th-12th 2008: Asia-Europe Dialogue on Arts, Culture and Climate Change in Beijing, by the Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF), organized with the assistance of Cultura21. For more information, see this website
Karamoja Campaign Website
March 2008 to May 2009: Cultura21 international supported the Karamoja campaign with its wiki platform : Visit the Karamoja website Supported by the European Commission, the Karamoja campaign was coordinated by the French non-government organization ACTED, in partnership with the Leuphana Universiteit Luneburg, Germany, and the Czech NGO People in Need. It took place in… Continue reading Karamoja Campaign Website