RESIDENCY AT THE BAMBOO CURTAIN STUDIO, TAIPEI, TAIWAN The Bamboo Curtain Studio has been actively supporting creative talents for the past 15 years. Within our four reused spaces, we have been celebrating the arts and empowering the lives of over 200 local and 30 international artists, with much sharing across communities, collaborating regional and exchanging… Continue reading 2011 OPEN CALL FOR EMERGING ARTISTS


The Ministry of Culture of Spain, in collaboration with the Department of Aesthetics and Art Theory of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid is currently preparing a European Congress of Aesthetics that will take place at the Prado Museum (Madrid) between the 10th and the 12th of November 2010. The title of the congress will be:… Continue reading CALL FOR PAPERS (EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF AESTHETICS)

A symposium in Western Australia on Unruly ecologies: Biodiversity and art

SymbioticA. Symposium November 26th to 28th, 2010 A symposium exploring the possibilities and difficulties of the diversity of life through critical investigations in art, ecology and activism. The ecology of biodiversity is based upon an uncertain definition, incomplete statistics and the need to act in a world without balance. While multiple flora and fauna databases… Continue reading A symposium in Western Australia on Unruly ecologies: Biodiversity and art

Mindthestorm – Like random steps of sunlight, Random steps of consciousness

Themes on and about the complex mesh of relations between biospheres, climatic science, environmental politics, globalization, culture and art form the point of departure for mindthestorm.org’s continuously accumulating archive of image and textual documentation. Processuality constitutes the focal point of mindthestorm.org. The archive is neither hierarchically structured, nor does it follow a defined order. The… Continue reading Mindthestorm – Like random steps of sunlight, Random steps of consciousness

Staging Sustainability – Arts, Community, Culture, Environment

How can we produce art that reflects, celebrates, critiques and advances the cultural life of our community without contributing to the destruction of the setting that inspires these artistic endeavours ? The Faculty of Fine Arts at York University (Toronto – Canada) invites proposals for papers for Staging Sustainability: Arts, Community, Culture, Environment, a conference… Continue reading Staging Sustainability – Arts, Community, Culture, Environment

Sheep on the move: A trek through Europe to highlight mobile herding

They are good-natured, produce tasty meat, and their wool gets turned into sweaters. Everyone knows so much about sheep. But few people know about the benefits that sheep provide through grazing. As they move from place to place, mobile flocks maintain the ecology, so conserving many threatened plants, animals and insects. The landscapes they create… Continue reading Sheep on the move: A trek through Europe to highlight mobile herding

Call for Future

The ÜBER LEBENSKUNST project, an initiative project of the Federal Cultural Foundation in cooperation with the House of World Cultures, is turning the city of Berlin into a showcase for initiatives that bring together culture and sustainability and experiment with new models for action. They are looking for artistic projects and social initiatives that turn… Continue reading Call for Future

TAKING PART conference

Goldsmiths University of London & Southbank Centre Friday 29th and Saturday 30th October 2010 CALL for PAPERS, PROVOCATIONS, PERFORMANCES “Inequality is divisive. It polarises societies, it divides regions within countries, and it carves up the world between rich and poor”1. It is also one of the reasons for our current lack of genuine civic and… Continue reading TAKING PART conference