Request for Proposals – 2015 iLANDing Laboratories Initiative Due October 20 send to Following the successful inaugural year of the iLANDing Laboratory Initiative, the program will continue for a second year. The 2015 iLANDing Laboratories will continue in an experimental format as a series of workshops/laboratories designed by members of the iLAND community as… Continue reading iLANDing Laboratories Initiative
Category: Activities
If the city were a commons
An alternative arts development programme If the city were a commons what would it look like, taste like, sound like, feel like, and smell like? How would artists and other creative individuals develop their skills and hone their practice? Through a series of artists talks, workshops, field trips, residencies, and reading groups, On Site Projects… Continue reading If the city were a commons
Dance Politics
Dance Politics is about getting into the bodies and to more deeply engage with its movement. Activists and organizers will gather to think and dance with performers and philosophers, bringing the body wisdom into what we know, and how we work in our social movements. How is the body and its ability to express joy… Continue reading Dance Politics
Artivism – Artist talk by Shai Zakai
Congress: Cities, Culture and Sustainability
International City Link Congress Cities, Culture and Sustainability September 12th 2014 in Hamburg / Germany. In a changing world of work and confronted with the consequences of climate and demographic changes, policies that strengthen social coherence are needed. On the background of these changes self-organised initiatives are emerging in many cities that already implement sustainable policies on a project level. Within the frame… Continue reading Congress: Cities, Culture and Sustainability
Notes from Underground: The Depths of Environmental Arts, Culture and Justice
Repost. Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) Eleventh Biennial Conference, June 23- 27, 2015 University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho THE CONFERENCE WEBSITE (INCLUDING SUBMISSIONS PAGE) WILL BE LIVE IN SEPTEMBER, 2014: In Notes from Underground (1864), Dostoyevsky explores relations between modernity and its discontents at an important historical conjuncture: the novella’s unnamed, unpleasant… Continue reading Notes from Underground: The Depths of Environmental Arts, Culture and Justice
Cologne – Tag des Guten Lebens “Day of the Good Life”
This Sunday, the streets of Cologne-Ehrenfeld will belong only to its residents. Without traffic and lots of free space for encounters and action. “Tell everyone, talk to your neighbours, this day will be what we make of it and if all of us participate!” There will be no cars in the district of Cologne-Ehrenfeld (cf.… Continue reading Cologne – Tag des Guten Lebens “Day of the Good Life”
Report and Resources – GALA Workshop on green issues for the sustainable support of cultural mobility, Berlin (Germany), 12-13 March 2014
Julie’s Bicycle and DutchCulture ¦ TransArtists have developed a partnership dedicated to promoting environmental sustainability and how that can be challenged in practical, ethical, and artistic ways, across arts’ and cultural communities across Europe. Based on the concept of a ‘knowledge alliance’ they have been building a collaborative project with cultural organizations and artists all over Europe and Georgia.… Continue reading Report and Resources – GALA Workshop on green issues for the sustainable support of cultural mobility, Berlin (Germany), 12-13 March 2014
ARTEMOCC 2015 : 1st ARTEM Organizational Creativity International Conference
26-27 March, 2015 – Nancy (France) “Rethinking Paths on Creativity and Sustainability” UPDATE: Deadline extended to November 30th 2014! ARTEM Organizational Creativity International Conference seeks to rethink paths on creativity to move organizations towards sustainability. The objective of this international conference is to bring together academics, managers, professionals and doctoral students in areas such as engineering, arts… Continue reading ARTEMOCC 2015 : 1st ARTEM Organizational Creativity International Conference
Conversations Across Art, Science, Ecology and Everyday Life. NUS Museum – Friday 1st & Sunday 3rd August Singapore Botanic Gardens – Saturday 2nd August 2014 Nature as Practice is a six session interdisciplinary symposium collaboration between the School of Art Design and Media (ADM) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS) Museum… Continue reading NATURE AS PRACTICE