On show at the John Hope Gallery Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (UK) until July 7th 2013 The results of three years of research and production, the interdisciplinary exhibition from Singapore, Jalan Jati (Teak Road) opened at the Edinburgh Science Festival on 21 March 2013 and runs at the John Hope Gallery Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh until July 2013. Jalan Jati (Teak Road)… Continue reading JALAN JATI (TEAK ROAD)

Art, Environment, Sustainability – Call for articles

For an upcoming issue of Antennae Submission Deadline: 1st of September 2013 “At the forefront of today’s social issues are questions related to the human relationship to nature and the environment, the meaning of a sustainable future and the relationship of environmentalism to modernity and today’s economic structures. While the sciences have, until recently, dominated… Continue reading Art, Environment, Sustainability – Call for articles

Fish Story Talk and Artmaking Workshop in Memphis, TN (USA)

A pre-opening event for Memphis Social, at Crosstown Arts – Organizer: Aviva Rahmani, ecological artist Address: 427 N Watkins St, Memphis, TN 38138 (USA) – Date: Monday, May 6, from 6 pm to 7:30 pm Where do the lives of fish and people meet in Memphis? An evening of talk and artmaking will map the… Continue reading Fish Story Talk and Artmaking Workshop in Memphis, TN (USA)

Eden3: Trees are the Language of Landscape

Exhibition – April 22 to May 25, 2013 Tent Gallery, in Art Space and Nature – Edinburgh College of Art – Evolution House (corner of Westport and Lady Lawson Street) – Edinburgh, EH1 2LE, Scotland Hours: Tues-Fri 12noon to 4:45PM or by appointment on Saturday. The Collins & Goto Studio presents an on-going series of… Continue reading Eden3: Trees are the Language of Landscape

Call for abstracts: Ecology In Practice – Creative Conservation Symposium

5th World Conference on Ecological Restoration in Madison, Wisconsin, USA October 6-11, 2013 The symposium is convened by David Haley and Richard Scott. Haley has convened and chaired the Ecological Arts symposia at SER (Society for Ecological Restoration) World Conferences in 2000 (Liverpool), 2005 (Zaragoza) and 2011 (Merida), and contributed to Richard Scott’s Creative Conservation workshops… Continue reading Call for abstracts: Ecology In Practice – Creative Conservation Symposium

Art and biodiversity: sustainable art ?

Plastik, a bi-lingual (French-English) online journal on art & science published at Institut Acte (CNRS and Université Paris 1 Sorbonne), is announcing the following open call for articles for its upcoming 4th issue on “Art and biodiversity: sustainable art?” (deadline: June 15, 2013 – the call is also available in French language here): “Interest in ecology… Continue reading Art and biodiversity: sustainable art ?

Mierle Laderman Ukeles at Grazer Kunstverein

Maintenance Art Works 1969–1980 – On show until May 19th 2013 This is the very first comprehensive European solo exhibition of the artist’s earlier work. Originally organized in 1998 by Ronald Feldman Fine Arts gallery in New York, the exhibition presents a body of work spanning over a decade of significant production. In 1969, following… Continue reading Mierle Laderman Ukeles at Grazer Kunstverein

International Conference: SUSTAINABILITY AND CULTURE / Sustainable Cultural Management

Organized by the Goethe Institut Thessaloniki, the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Greece and the European theatre network Mitos21, this International Conference will take place on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th April 2013 in Thessaloniki, Greece, at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall (“Maurice Saltiel” conference room). The conference will discuss “innovative interventions implemented in recent years in the… Continue reading International Conference: SUSTAINABILITY AND CULTURE / Sustainable Cultural Management

Culture and Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region – a seminar at the Nordic Council of Ministers

Venue: Nordic Council of Ministers, Ved Straden 18, 1061 Copenhagen, Denmark – Date: April 29th 2013 The event is organized in cooperation between the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Ministries of Culture in Schleswig-Holstein and Poland. In connection with this seminar,  the report  “Culture and Sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region – 8 findings,… Continue reading Culture and Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region – a seminar at the Nordic Council of Ministers

Eco-Aesthetics: Contemporary Arts and the Politics of Ecology

Saturday, 2 March, 2013, 2-7pm Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, UCL The first issue of Third text, a bimonthly appearing journal on art in the global context, in 2013 is a special issue focusing on Contemporary Arts and the Politics of Ecology and is accompanied by the conference on the same topic in London. The event… Continue reading Eco-Aesthetics: Contemporary Arts and the Politics of Ecology