November 21st, 2011 MIT (USA) “The Indian artist and well-known filmmaker Amar Kanwar creates documentary-based multi-channel installations that deal with the politics of power, violence, sexuality, and justice. In “The Torn First Pages”, Kanwar unfolds the struggle for democracy in Myanmar. The eight-chanel video piece “The Lightning Testimonies” reflects upon a history of conflict in… Continue reading Films about Myanmar and India
Category: Conferences
Interactive Futures (IF) in Vancouver: Animal Influence
Vancouver, BC 17th to 19th of November 2011 From the 17th until the 19th of November 2011 you are able to visit the conference „Interactive Futures (IF)“ in Vancouver, BC. The conference includes exhibitions, performances and screenings as well as a workshop with well-known speakers like the ethologist Marc Bekoff and new media artist Lisa… Continue reading Interactive Futures (IF) in Vancouver: Animal Influence
“MIT japan 3/11 initiative”
November 14th, 2011 MIT (USA) “In the aftermath of the disaster suffered in Japan, MIT launched the MIT Japan 3/11 Initiative, a multi-year collaborative project focused on disaster-resilient planning, design and reconstruction. Back from the first MIT Japan 3/11 workshop which took place this summer, Shun Kanda and Jim Wescoat will discuss the process and… Continue reading “MIT japan 3/11 initiative”
“99 Is Not 100 – Documenting the Transformative Power of Art, or the Art of Transformative Documentary”
October 31st, 2011 Sloan Fellow, MIT (USA) “How do we observe or quantify the impact of an artistic intervention or the impact of a documentary film? Lucy Walker will be reflecting on the experience of making and showing the film Waste Land, a documentary about artist Vik Muniz’s collaboration with the self-designated recyclables materials pickers… Continue reading “99 Is Not 100 – Documenting the Transformative Power of Art, or the Art of Transformative Documentary”
Leuphana Sustainability Summit – Call for Papers
Sustainability: Enabling a Transdisciplinary Approach 29th February – 2nd March 2012 – Leuphana University Lueneburg, Germany The conference focuses on three leading questions: 1. What insights about the role of transdisciplinarity for sustainability transitions have we gained over the last 10 years? 2. What gaps in research still remain? 3. How can we fill these… Continue reading Leuphana Sustainability Summit – Call for Papers
“Enabling Emergent Voices And Expression Through Technology”
October 17th, 2011 MIT Media Lab, USA “Moore’s law and the Internet have dramatically reduced the cost of producing and distributing information. This has greatly lowered the cost of collaboration and has empowered a qualitatively different “public” to think, express, and act without, or in spite of, central authority. These changes and advances in technology… Continue reading “Enabling Emergent Voices And Expression Through Technology”
Radius of Art Conference
Creative politicization of the public sphere – Cultural potential forces for social transformation February 8th and 9th 2012 – Heinrich Böll Foundation, Schumannstr. 8, Berlin The registration for the international conference „radius of art“ by Heinrich Boell Foundation has been opened: The number of places is very limited, and a selection process will take place. … Continue reading Radius of Art Conference
International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas
Montreal, Quebec, Canada May 14th-20th, 2012 “This conference will focus on the particular situations and dynamics of the Americas. What does degrowth mean for our Hemisphere with its rich geographical, cultural, social and economic diversity? How can degrowth models apply to different contexts from the Arctic to Tierra del Fuego? What does degrowth mean for… Continue reading International Conference on Degrowth in the Americas
November 3rd – December 11th, 2011, Riga and Liepaja “Techno-Ecologies is the theme of this year’s Art+Communication festival, the 13th edition of which will take place in Riga from November 3 – 6, 2011, featuring conference (November 4–5) and exhibition (November 4 – December 11) as well as broad programme of performances, screenings, public lectures… Continue reading Techno-Ecologies
Popularizing the Fight for Indigenous Rights: How Using Films and Images Can Shift Public Opinion and Change History
MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology, Fall 2011 Lecture Series: Zones of Emergency: Artistic Interventions – Creative Responses to Conflict & Crisis Keynote: Tess Thackara, Director, Survival International (USA) Respondent: Ute Meta Bauer, ACT Director & Associate Professor, MIT (USA) Monday, September 26 at 7:00 PM, Bartos Theater at MIT, Wiesner Building (E15), Lower… Continue reading Popularizing the Fight for Indigenous Rights: How Using Films and Images Can Shift Public Opinion and Change History