A Contemporary Art & Ecology Exhibition on Tropical Forests, Wood & Humans, Using DNA Timber Tracking Technology
By the Migrant Ecologies Project, Singapore
The project traces the “memories” of a teak bed purchased in 21 century Singapore back to the site in the region from which the teak tree originated with the help of DNA timber-tracking technology. Where the project as a whole carries with it a message about the international consumption of illegal forest products, the art works (photography, woodprint collage and stop motion) explore the secret lives of teak trees and timber as materials, metaphors, magic, ecological resources and historical agents.
More info: www.migrantecologies.org
Picture on the left: RANJANG JATI. The Teak Bed That Sent Four Humans to Muna Island Sulawesi and Back Again. By Lucy Davis. Photo Shannon Lee Castleman.