11th European Permaculture Convergence, 1-5.8.2012
Gastwerke Kassel, Germany
Now! This year the EuPC will focuss on Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share in August. For five days 300 activists and designers gather together to start a dialogue on permacultures. Interdisciplinary workshops, lectures and art will be part of the program and will promote European networking and grand celebration.
EuPC stands for ideas themselves, not only for financeable ideas. Communication is more important than reactions of others.
Speakers from all over the world will dedicate their focus on methods and the design of transition processes. Workshops on many different topics such as Deep Ecology, Wandelnde Gärten and Social Sculpture will be held in Englisch and German.
Adjacent to the Convergence, the traditional international Permaculture Design Course takes place in Kassel: Its challenge is to bring in ‘Permaculture, Art & Society’ as an innovative focus and approach.
Tickets and more Information can be found on the website of EUPC or in the leaflet.