More for Less – Design in an Age of Austerity

June 21st, deadline for sending papers!

Less but better The Cumulus Dublin Conference 2013 proposes, in the deepest recession since the great depression of the1930s to turn the modernist mantra ‘less is more’ on its head as the reduced budgets of governments, business and people demand ‘more for less’, and develop a ‘New Deal’ for design.Vibrant economies are built on innovation, but with this comes an ethical responsibility that Design, the engine of the previous decades unsustainable consumerism and excess needs to address.

This international conference is intended to act as platform for sharing ideas and concepts about contemporary design research in this age of austerity. Contributors are invited to submit research that addresses contemporary approaches to design research. The conference is open to research through, for and into design.The conference will consist of keynote talks, paper presentations, poster exhibition and curated gallery exhibition.

The conference coincides with Dublin Design Week 4 – 10 November 2013, a celebration of design including walks, talks, launches, exhibitions and workshops. The festival’s audience includes the designers who design things, the business community who purchase design services and most importantly, the public who are the end users of all designers’ services.

For more information :

By Marion Wolfer

Marion Wolfer is a French Master student in cultural policy and management at the European Institute of Paris 8 University. She is working on cultural networks. She did an internship at Cutura21 for three months. Marion Wolfer est une étudiante de master I en politiques et gestion de la culture à l´Institut d´études européennes de l´Université de Paris 8. Elle travaille sur les réseaux culturels et a effectué un stage de trois mois au sein de Cultura21.