Children and Artists Dream of Greener Wetlands
Artists from all countries are invited to send a proposal for a site-specific outdoor sculpture installation that will involve working with local elementary school children to create an artwork focused on making the Cheng Long Wetlands a ‘greener’ place where biodiversity can flourish. This year the emphasis will be on sculpture installations in the waters of the wetlands that can improve the habitat for wildlife and increase biodiversity as well as provide aesthetic enjoyment and raise public awareness about the importance of wetlands. Any living plants used in the artworks should be able to survive in salty water and difficult growing conditions. Artists will work alongside other international artists and Taiwanese artists and with children at Cheng Long Elementary School, teachers, and the community during a 24-day residency in rural Yunlin County, Taiwan.
Deadline for Entries: February 11, 2011. Artists will be notified by March 1, 2011. Installation and Residency at Cheng Long Wetlands: April 8 (artists arrive) – May 2 (artists depart) Dates of the Exhibition: April 29 (opening ceremony)- July 30, 2011
About the Exhibition Place
The Cheng Long Wetlands is a developing wetlands preserve and environmental education area in Yunlin Country located on the southwestern coast of Taiwan. The Cheng Long Elementary School has about 75 children in grades 1-6 (ages 6-12) who will join with the artists in this project. This area in Taiwan is economically depressed, and most jobs have been traditionally connected with fish farming and nearby oyster farming. Most young people now have to move away to find jobs. There are no super markets, movie theaters or coffee shops, but this place will offer artists a unique cultural experience and an opportunity to share life with a community in rural Taiwan. For more information and some photos of the Cheng Long Wetlands, please see the blog on the wetlandcenter.blogspot.com/ There is also a blog in Chinese and English that contains information about the 2010 Cheng Long International Environmental Art Project, and more detailed information about the 2011 art project will also be on this Blog: www.artproject4wetland.wordpress.com
Selected International Artists will receive the following
- *Artist’s fee of NT$70,000 (about US$2,302) for international artists, and this fee is intended to cover airfare to Taiwan and train fare to Chiayi HSR Station as well as an honorarium to the selected artists. Detailed travel instructions will be sent to selected artists and an official letter of invitation that can be used to seek other funding if the artist desires. *Taiwanese artist’s fee will be NT$45,000, and they must pay their own train fare to Chiayi HSR Station.
- 24 days of accommodations in a local house with other international and Taiwanese artists. The houses will have a bedroom for each artist and a shared bathroom and kitchen for preparing meals.
- Local transportation by car to Cheng Long Wetlands in Yunlin County Tours to local sites will also be arranged. Bicycles will be provided for the artists to use around Cheng Long Village.
- Volunteer help from school children and adults in the community to create the artworks. We also plan to assign at least one adult volunteer to help each artist for the entire residency period.
- Meals provided for breakfast, lunch and dinner each day. A local cook will prepare dinner for the artists; lunch will usually be at school with the children and breakfast food will be provided for artists to make their own breakfast.
- Help to find local free materials and natural materials to make the artworks. Reeds and oyster shells are the most common available materials, but bamboo and tree branches and other materials may also be available. Artists should use only natural and recycled materials and processes that will not harm the environment. Artists will have to use some of the artist’s fee if they need other materials than those available for free locally.
Qualifications of Artists
Artists who apply should have experience working with children and creating site- specific outdoor sculpture installations in public settings and involving ordinary people in their thoughts and process. The artists should also have an interest in wetlands and environmental education. The selected artists should be able to speak English and be able to get along well with other artists, the local community and school children. The selected artists should also introduce their home culture to the students and community in Cheng Long and possibly establish a connection with a school or environmental organization in their area to share experiences. We plan to select 3 international artists from different countries around the world and two artists from different places in Taiwan.
Curator of the Exhibition
Jane Ingram Allen, an American independent artist, curator and critic, living in Taiwan since 2004 when she came to Taiwan as a Fulbright Scholar artist in residence, will again be the curator for this exhibition. Jane will work with the Kuan Shu Educational Foundation in Taiwan, to administer and coordinate all aspects of this project, including the selection of artists and supervising art installations and public programs. Jane has experience curating international art exhibitions and working with public art projects and children in communities around the world. Jane was the founding curator for the Guandu International Outdoor Sculpture Festival at Guandu Nature Park in Taipei, from 2006 – 2009.
To Apply
Send the following in English by e mail to Jane Ingram Allen by the deadline of February 11, 2011, at this address:allenrebeccajanei@gmail.com
Entries in Chinese may be sent to Ms. Chao-mei Wang at ???? ??? Kuan Shu Educational Foundation ks.kk696@gmail.com
- Description of a proposed sculpture installation for the 2011 Cheng Long Wetlands Project (limit one page) as a Word .doc file or a .pdf file, including dimensions and materials to be used in the proposed work.
- Statement about your interest and experience working with children to create sculpture and installation art projects and about your interest in wetlands environmental issues (limit one page) as a Word .doc file or a .pdf file. This statement should include details about the school or environmental organization that you can introduce to the children at Cheng Long Elementary School for cultural exchange.
- Sketch or rendering of your proposed artwork for the Cheng Long Wetlands project (.jpg file of less than 1 MG)
- 6 images of previous related works (each sent as a .jpg file of less than 1 MG each)
- Image list to give details about the 6 images such as title of work, date made, materials used and location of the artwork (sent as a Word .doc file or .pdf file)
- CV or Resume in English that details your education and experience, previous awards and exhibitions. Be sure to include your name, present address and nationality.
Support for the Cheng Long Wetlands International Environmental Art Project
Supported by: Taiwan Forestry Bureau Organized by: Kuan Shu Educational Foundation, Taiwan (www.kskk.org.tw) Additional Support from: Cheng Long Elementary School, Kou-Hu Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan