Open Call 2012: Christiania Researcher in Residence (CRIR)

Copenhagen, Denmark

The urban Freetown of Christiania exists since forty years now on the disused military base in central Copenhagen. After a long struggle with the Danish state an agreement was reached, after which part of the area has to be bought from the Danish state.
For further information see

Christiania allows experiments with environmental and social ecologies, of loving and learning from mistakes and with the creation of different ways of living together. Almost a thousand people live in Christiania by now. Above that it is visited by millions of guests from all over the world, making it one of Denmark’s top cultural attractions.

The Christiania Researcher in Residence (CRIR) will continue till December 2012, with possibility for prolongation. CRIR offers residency from 1 to 4 weeks for artists and academic researchers with a specific interest in Christiania as an important field of study.

The CRIR projects aim is to involve artists, researchers and academics in an open, critical and reflective dialog around the free town Christiania in Copenhagen. Further a new creative and critical thinking should be generated. Christiania offers a research field of local organization, alternative architecture, lifestyle, culture, sustainable environments, quality of life, democracy and innovation and could generate important knowledge that may inspire a new  thinking of urbanity.

For 2012 applications dealing with the current situation in Christiania are encouraged, but all applications regarding to Christiania are welcomed.

Applications should be sent to:

For more information on the residency an application details see

By Janna

Janna was BA-student in cultural sciences at the Leuphana University Lueneburg, and did a 5-months internship at Cultura21 in the framework of the Leuphana PLUS program. Janna war Studentin der Angewandten Kulturwissenschaften an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg und absolvierte im Rahmen des Leuphana Plus Programms ein fünfmonatiges Praktikum bei Cultura21.