SurVivArt – Arts for the Right to a Good Life

The Heinrich Böll Stiftung has started yet another interesting project referring to arts and sustainability. Artists from six mainly southern countries are invited to discuss the meaning of the right to a good life. Based on the fact that our daily lives and our ways of achieving a “good life” always influence the environment in a more or less negative or positive way, these artists ask themselves a simple question: Can “we find ways of living that contribute to more social equality and justice and that improve community participation and involvement?”
SurVivArt is meant to be a bridge to get to know perspectives on this question from people from the global South. On the website you find an overview and detailed descriptions of these highly interesting projects, e.g. a social theater in Lagos, which is exploring the impact of climate change on daily life..

By Benjamin Smith

Ben was the intern of Cultura21 from July to September 2011. He studied Environmental Sciences at the Leuphana University of Lueneburg, Germany.

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