iLand’s 2012 iLAB Resident Update – Higher E.D.

On Sunday September 23 from 11 am – 5 pm, the public can join Higher E+D  (Ecology and Dance) to gather aerial data with kites/balloons and field data through dancing bodies.
Meet Lailye Weidman, Jess Einhorn and Liz Barry at Governor’s Island and travel to Lower Manhattan (NY, USA) with Higher E+D for a day of kite-mapping and dance based weather observation.  Wear clothes for moving (and possibly getting dirty), bring plenty of water, a notebook and pack a picnic lunch. Contact for more information.    
The ferry to Governor’s Island runs every half hour from Brooklyn and Manhattan.
More information at

By Sacha Kagan

Research Associate at the ISCO - Institute of Sociology and Cultural Organization (ISKO - Institut für Soziologie und Kulturorganisation), Leuphana University Lueneburg, Sacha Kagan founded the International level of Cultura21, Network for Cultures of Sustainability, as well as the International Summer School of Arts and Sciences for Sustainability in Social Transformation (ASSiST). The focus of his research and cultural work lies in the trans-disciplinary field of arts and (un-)sustainability. Doctor in Philosophy (Leuphana University Lueneburg) with a thesis on the subject of culture, the arts and sustainability under the perspective of complexity ; M.A. in Cultural Economics (Erasmus University Rotterdam) ; and Graduate of Sciences Po Bordeaux (political sciences). For Cultura21, Sacha is also coordinating the eBooks series, the regular updates on our multi-lingual website, the English section of our webmagazine and the work of our Lueneburg-based interns.