Conference: Probing the Skin

24th to 26th of April 2013

From April the 24th to April the 26th 2013 the conference “Probing the Skin: Cultural representations of Our Contact Zone” takes place at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena.
The organizers Prof. Caroline Rosenthal and Prof. Dirk Vanderbeke aks for submission of papers including artistic reflections of skin related themes in literature, art, media studies, and anthropology.
The conference aims to bring academics from various disciplines together in order to discuss the role of skin, which has been neglected in the discourse of literature and culture about body and senses in the recent years.
The skin deserves a closer look, as it is the largest organ reacting to sensual stimuli and embodies the border between our inside and outside world. It is able to protect us and at the same time it identifies us. Furthermore it is an indicator for health, age and even for feelings and experiences. The skin can also be inscribed with individual and collective memories and traumata.
Possible themes for submissions are:
Skin as…

  • a medium and surface. Parallels between the skin and a canvas or piece of paper
  • lieux de memoire. Skin as bearing the traces of deliberate or forceful marks
  • a mask and performative space. Skin hides as much as it reveals
  • a contact zone, as the permeable border between inside and outside
  • a third space, as something in-between nature-culture, inside-outside, body-mind
  • a means of inclusion and exclusion
  • a marker for identity and individuality
  • a medium for the senses, for hurt, lust, pain
  • a trophy, an object of value or even currency

Deadline for submissions in English is March 31st, 2012.

Please submit your abstract to one of the organizers:

Prof. Dr. Caroline Rosenthal and Prof. Dr. Dirk Vanderbeke
Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8
07743 Jena /

By Janna

Janna was BA-student in cultural sciences at the Leuphana University Lueneburg, and did a 5-months internship at Cultura21 in the framework of the Leuphana PLUS program. Janna war Studentin der Angewandten Kulturwissenschaften an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg und absolvierte im Rahmen des Leuphana Plus Programms ein fünfmonatiges Praktikum bei Cultura21.

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